PCBflow Annual Event 2023

Now available on-demand!

Are you a PCB designer, NPI engineer, or PCB manufacturing engineer looking to enhance your processes and stay ahead of the game?  If you missed our annual online live event where our users, partners and team experts unraveled the intricacies of PCB design for manufacturing, it is now available on-demand.

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PCBflow Annual Event 2022

Thank you for attending our annual event, we hope you enjoyed it! We hope to see you again at our next event, Stay Tuned!

  • (Welcome & Insights) – Key market trends and challenges for electronics manufacturing – John McMillan, Industry Analyst, Lifecycle Insights
  • (7:52 – 17:14) – Bridging the design and manufacturing ecosystems & The case for DFM and value of moving DFM validation to the cloud – Ofer Lavi Ben David, Head of PCBflow Startup
  • (17:15 – 26:19) – New Look, New Capabilities, New Experience – Susan Kayesar, PCBflow Technical Product Manager
  • (26:20 – 30:05) – Quick Pricing, New Feature, New partnership – Steven Hughes, VP Sales, Boardera Software
  • (30:06 – 37:12) – Real-world experiences with PCBflow – Interview with Roberto Campri, Corporate Asia Manager, Elco PCB
  • (37:13 – 40:08) – What’s next for cloud-based DFM – Oren Manor, Director of Business Development, DM, Siemens
  • (40:09 – 53:43) –  Engage with the experts – Our product development team ready to answer your questions live